[Miami New Times] DJs in Captain's Hats Steer Yacht Rock to Maimi

Two middle-aged guys in loud Hawaiian shirts and captain's hats puff away on pipes in front of a painted backdrop of an ocean. The scene sounds like it could be plucked from a slapstick comedy, right? Throw in a DJ booth on a casino club floor and mixes of '70s and '80s soft rock featuring occasional screeching seagulls, and it becomes almost hard to believe.

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Ayurella Horn-Muller
[Miami New Times] Playing a Game of Chance With Abstract "Trickster" Lynne Golob Gelfman

A bundle of nerves and anticipation, a young, fresh-faced New Yorker steps off of a plane onto a ground ripe with rich cultural heritage. It’s 1961, and the student has arrived in Bogotá, Colombia, for the first time. In a time before cell phones, the girl’s parents wring their hands in fear on the other side of the hemisphere as their daughter ventures off, ready to forge her own destiny.

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Ayurella Horn-Muller
[Miami New Times] Meet Mira Lehr, The Eco-Feminist Using Art to Save the Shore

Dubbed an “eco-feminist,” she incorporates nature-based movements, light, and patterns into her work in order to remind viewers of the elements of the sea. Lehr remains concerned about the state of global and local ecology, as well as the lack of leaders in society to acknowledge the problems. She describes it as “a misuse of the Earth in a way that I don’t think would happen if women were more in charge of running things.”

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Ayurella Horn-Muller
[Film Threat] Chi-Town

It conveys two parallel messages; one being an inspiring narrative of success in the face of hefty obstacles, and the other echoing an alarming wake-up call about the loomingly persistent threats plaguing residents of Chicago’s inner city.

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Ayurella Horn-Muller
[Film Threat] Edge of the World

Why do we watch movies, really? Is it to immerse ourselves in another world? To empathize with a set of circumstances so different to our own? To live vicariously through adventures and experiences that one can only distantly hope to achieve? Or at the core of it all, is the answer to that question so vigorously simple it’s effortless to overcomplicate it?

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Ayurella Horn-Muller
[Film Threat] Aamir

Based on a true story, Evdokimenko takes an unflinchingly honest look at what the word, “refugee,” means today…Aamir is not an easy watch. But I suppose this is the entire point behind the short; it’s not here to make you laugh, love, or get inspired. Rather, it exists as a stark reminder of the truth of the refugee crisis, and what it means for those caught in it.

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Ayurella Horn-Muller
[Film Threat] Mountain

At one with the camera and adept at provoking mesmerizing moments, Ozturk communicates startling passion through his craft. He could make something as desolate as a landfill appear staggeringly irresistible. The artistry conveyed through one man’s mastery of a lens is the real star in this provocative piece.

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Ayurella Horn-Muller
[Film Threat] Antiquities

This film is a strange concoction that, based on its ingredients, should taste like an exquisitely cool drink on a swelteringly hot summer’s day. Except, when you sip it, you end up discovering the ice cubes are far and few in between, and the overall sensation is only mildly refreshing.

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Ayurella Horn-Muller
[Film Threat] My Erotic Body

Applaudingly feminist, this documentary is an intimate profile, which regrettably polarizes its audience by not including the perspective of other genders – be it males, or those who are gender fluid, or merely those who aren’t immersed in the community of dancers who could offer a more diverse take.

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Ayurella Horn-Muller